djextListTextBox - Dojo List Text Box

Accepts a list of values.


Dojo Form


<xe:djextListTextBox attributes>content</xe:djextListTextBox>
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to djextListTextBox1, djextListTextBox2, and so on.
value Binds the control to a data element.
dataProvider Specifies choices for the value selection.
multipleSeparator Specify for multi-value elements.
Table 2. All properties
Category Properties
accessibility alt, tabIndex, title, waiRole, waiState
basics binding, dataProvider, dir, disabled, displayLabel, id, immediate, lang, loaded, multipleSeparator, multipleTrim, readonly, rendered, rendererType, required, type
data converter, defaultValue, disableClientSideValidation, disableModifiedFlag, disableValidators, showReadonlyAsDisabled, validator, validators, value, valueChangeListener, valueChangeListeners
dojo dojoAttributes, dojoType, dragRestriction, intermediateChanges, tooltip
events onBlur, onChange, onClick, onClose, onDblClick, onFocus, onHide, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onShow
styling disableTheme, style, styleClass, themeId


This is a Dojo control.

Use this control in conjunction with valuePicker - Value Picker.


This example shows a List Text Box bound to a scoped variable and activated by a Value Picker.
			<xp:label value="Categories" id="label1"></xp:label>
			<xe:djextListTextBox id="djextListTextBox1"
				value="#{requestScope.category}" multipleTrim="true"
			<xe:valuePicker id="valuePicker1"
				for="djextListTextBox1" dialogTitle="Category"
					<xe:simpleValuePicker valueList="red,green,blue"