breadCrumbs - Bread Crumbs

Presents a list of locations.


Extension Library


<xe:breadCrumbs attributes>content</xe:breadCrumbs>
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to breadCrumbs1, breadCrumbs2, and so on.
label Specifies leading text to the list.
treeNodes Specifies nodes for the list.
Table 2. All properties
Category Properties
basics binding, id, label, loaded, rendered, rendererType, treeNodes
events onItemClick
styling disableTheme, style, styleClass, themeId


The label precedes the list, and list nodes are separated by the greater-than symbol (>).

The intent is for you to specify a hierarchy of locations going from a home page to the current page.


This example displays You are here: Main View > Main Form > Bread Crumb Demo, where Main View and Main Form are links.
<xe:breadCrumbs id="breadCrumbs1" label="You are here: ">
		<xe:pageTreeNode page="/mainview.xsp" label="Main View"></xe:pageTreeNode>
		<xe:pageTreeNode page="/main.xsp" label="Main Form"></xe:pageTreeNode>
		<xe:pageTreeNode page="/breadcrumb.xsp" label="Bread Crumb Demo"></xe:pageTreeNode>