Examples: IsResponse property (NotesViewColumn - LotusScript®)

  1. This agent checks if there are one or more responses-only columns in the By Category view of the current database.
    Sub Initialize
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim view As NotesView
      Dim found As Variant
      Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
      Set view = db.GetView( "By Category" )
      found = False
      Forall c In view.Columns
        If c.IsResponse Then
          found = True
          Exit Forall
        End If
      End Forall
      If found Then
        Messagebox _
        ( "There's at least one responses-only column." )
        Messagebox( "There are no responses-only columns." )
      End If
    End Sub
  2. This agent goes through a hierarchical view and creates a summary of each thread by "folding" the immediate responses of each parent document into the parent. It takes the column value of each response document, calculated by finding the position of the Responses-only column in the view, and appends it to the Body field of the parent. This creates a summary of the response in the parent. The script then deletes the response from the database.


    • There are no responses-to-responses in the view.
    • The view contains one responses-only column, and it displays pertinent information about the response (such as the Subject).
      Sub Initialize
        Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "", "corn.nsf" )
        Dim view As NotesView
        Dim responsePos As Integer
        Dim doc As NotesDocument
        Dim rtitem As Variant
        Dim response As NotesDocument
        Dim tempResponse As NotesDocument
        Set view = db.GetView( "All" )
        ' find the position of the Responses-only column
        Forall c In view.Columns
          If c.IsResponse Then
            responsePos = c.Position
          End If
        End Forall
        Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
        ' visit each main document in the view
        While Not( doc Is Nothing )
          Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem( "Body" )
          Set response = view.GetChild( doc )
          ' visit each response to the main document
          While Not( response Is Nothing )
            ' fold the response's column value into the parent
            Call rtitem.AppendText _
            ( response.ColumnValues( responsePos - 1 ) )
            Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 1 )
            ' save a temporary copy of current response...
            Set tempResponse = response
            ' ...so that the script can get the next response...
            Set response = view.GetNextSibling( response )
            '...and then delete the current response.
            Call tempResponse.Remove( True )
            Call view.Refresh
          Call doc.Save( True, True )
          Set doc = view.GetNextSibling( doc )
      End Sub

    For example, the All view might contain one main document and three responses. The subject and author of each response is displayed in a responses-only column:

    What's your favorite color? (Shelley Kinnamon) Blue (Joe Doyle) Purple (Peg Yip) Orange (Kendra Zowker)

    The script removes the three responses so that only the main document remains in the database:

    What's your favorite color? (Shelley Kinnamon)

    The Body of the main document now contains the following text:

    Blue (Joe Doyle) Purple (Peg Yip) Orange (Kendra Zowker)