
This package defines the IBM Web Content Manager API.


Interface Summary
AbstractAuthoringTemplate Represents an abstract authoring template.
AbstractTemplateItemProperties The item properties for a content template or site area template.
AuthoringTemplate Represents a content authoring template.
Category Represents a Category in the repository.
Content A Content object represents a Content item in the WCM repository.
ContentComponent The root interface in the Content Component hierarchy.
ContentComponentContainer The root interface for the content component container hierarchy.
ContentComponentIterator ContentComponentIterator, as the name suggests, iterates over ContentComponent objects in a ContentComponentContainer.
ContentLink A ContentLink object represents a link to a Content item in the WCM repository.
ContentPrototype An interface defining an object which is a content prototype in the repository.
ContentTemplateItemProperties The item properties for a content template.
ContextProcessor Represents a context processor.
ContextProcessorParams Represents the parameters that a context processor is able to read and modify.
CopyOption An optional parameter when performing an API copy.
CustomWorkflowAction Represents a custom workflow action.
DateComponent Represents a Date component.
Document An interface defining an object that exists as an entity in the repository.
DocumentId<T extends Document> Represents the ID of a Document in the repository.
DocumentIdIterator<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator iterates over DocumentId objects.
DocumentIterator<T extends Document> DocumentIterator iterates over Document objects.
DocumentLibrary Represents a library containing Documents.
DocumentLibraryACL Represents the access control object for a DocumentLibrary or the access control object for a library resource (e.g.
DocumentListWriter The DocumentListWriter interface defines a character writer that can be used to write a list with information about documents from a document library.
DocumentManagerComponent Deprecated. Document Manager is deprecated since 7.0
DocumentType<T extends WCMApiObject> This interface is used to define the types of WCMApiObjects that are available to the API.
DocumentTypes This interface holds constants that define each of the DocumentTypes that are known to the API.
DxContentPagePrototype An interface defining an object which is a content page prototype in the repository.
DxContentPageTemplate Represents a content page authoring template.
DxContentPageTemplateItemProperties The item properties for a content site/page template.
Editable Defines the behaviour for editable objects within the API.
EditableItem Represents a Item whose attributes can be modified.
EditableLibraryComponent The EditableLibraryComponent interface represents components that can be stored in the repository that are both Editable through this API and a Library Component.
EditableSecurity An interface to define security accessors for the associated Item.
EmailAction Represents an email action.
ErrorMessageContainer Used to contain localized error messages returned from API method calls.
ExpireAction Represents an expire action.
FileComponent Represents a File component.
FlatListPresentation Represents a presentation properties of a flat list
Folder Defining a folder object which can hold various items including child folders.
HierachicalListPresentation Represents a presentation properties of a hierarchical list
Hierarchical Interface for WCM Document Types that are stored under a hierarchy of either SiteAreas or Folders.
HierarchicalPrototype An interface defining an object which is a hierarchical prototype in the repository.
HierarchicalTemplate Represents a hierarchical authoring template.
HierarchicalTemplatedDocument An interface defining a hierarchical TemplatedDocument.
HistoryLogEntry A read-only History Log Entry
HistoryLogEntryCodes A list of event codes returned by the HistoryLogEntry.getCode().
HistoryLogIterator HistoryLogIterator iterates over HistoryLogEntry objects.
HTMLComponent Represents a HTML component.
Identity<T> Represents the ID of a WCM API object.
ImageComponent Represents an Image component.
Item Defines a item on repository by providing the least amount of information to identify the item, in order to maximise the performance of APIs.
JSPComponent Represents a JSP component.
Library Represents a Library.
LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent Represents an authoring tools component.
LibraryComponent The root interface in the Library Component hierarchy.
LibraryDateComponent Represents a Date component.
LibraryDocumentManagerComponent Deprecated. LibraryDocumentManagerComponent is deprecated since 7.0
LibraryFileComponent Represents a File component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryHTMLComponent Represents a HTML component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryImageComponent Represents an Image component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryJSPComponent Represents an JSP component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryLinkComponent Represents a Link component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryListPresentationComponent Represents a list presentation component.
LibraryMemberRoles This class contains static references to all library member roles
LibraryMenuComponent Represents a menu component.
LibraryNavigatorComponent Represents a library navigator component.
LibraryNumericComponent Represents a Number component.
LibraryPageNavigationComponent Represents a page navigation component.
LibraryPersonalizationComponent Represents a personalization component.
LibraryProperties Contains Properties associated with a Library.
LibraryReferenceComponent Represents a component reference component.
LibraryResourceTypes This class contains all static references to available library resource types
LibraryRichTextComponent Represents a RichText component that exists in the Component Library.
LibrarySearchComponent Represents a search component.
LibraryShortTextComponent Represents an Short Text component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryStyleSheetComponent Represents a Style Sheet component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryTaskResult Represents the result of performing an operation on an item in the repository
LibraryTaxonomyComponent Represents a taxonomy component.
LibraryTextComponent Represents an Text component that exists in the Component Library.
LibraryUserNameComponent Represents a user name component.
LibraryUserSelectionComponent Represents a UserSelection component.
LinkComponent Represents a Link component.
LinkOption An optional parameter when performing API link creation.
ListLayout Represents the layout of a ListPresentation
ListLayoutContainer Represents an ordered collection of ListLayout's
ListPagingOptions Represents the paging options for a ListPresentation
ListPresentable<P extends ListPresentation> Represents an item that is rendered as a list
ListPresentation Represents the base presentation properties of a list
LocalizedMessage Used to contain messages returned from API method calls.
LocalizedMessageContainer Used to contain localized messages returned from API method calls.
Location Represents a document location used to specify the destination for copy and move operations.
MoveOption An optional parameter when performing an API move.
NumericComponent Represents a Number component.
OptionSelectionComponent Represents a OptionSelection component.
PageOptions The page configurations of a navigator component.
Placeable An interface defining an Document that can be placed relative to other Documents.
PortalPage Represents a Portal Page Object.
PresentationTemplate Represents a Presentation Template in the repository.
Project This class represents Project object
ProjectPrototype Models the prototype of a ProjectTemplate
ProjectTemplate A template from which Projects can be created.
Prototype An interface defining an object which is a prototype in the repository.
PublishAction Represents a publish action.
Reference An interface defining a reference from one entity in the repository to another.
ReferenceComponent Represents a component that can contain a reference to one LibraryComponent.
RenderingContext Represents a rendering context.
Rendition Represents a rendition for a DigitalAsset.
RenditionCapability Interface representing capability of storing renditions.
Repository The entry point into the WCM repository.
Resource Interface representing a binary resource, like an image or a file.
ResultType This interface is used to define the types of results that are available to the API.
ResultTypes This interface holds constants that define each of the ResultTypes that are known to the API.
RichTextComponent Represents a Rich Text component.
SaveOption This class represents an abstract configurable option used when saving a document in the WCM API.
ScheduledMoveAction Represents an scheduled move action.
ScheduledWorkflowAction Represents a workflow action that can be scheduled
ScheduledWorkflowActionOffset Represents a ScheduledWorkflowAction date offset
Security An interface to define security accessors for a WCM item Note that all methods query or update the repository directly Any updates to security will be immedaiately applied Any queries on security will return the latest infomration from the repository
ShortTextComponent Represents a Short Text component.
Site Deprecated. Use SiteArea instead
SiteArea Represents a SiteArea object.
SiteAreaPrototype An interface defining an object which is a site area prototype in the repository.
SiteAreaTemplate Represents a site area authoring template.
SiteAreaTemplateItemProperties The item properties for a site area template.
SiteFrameworkContainer The ability to organize and build a Site Framework is enabled by implementing the SiteFrameworkContainer interface.
Subscriber Represents a WCM Subscriber.
SyndicationResult The SyndicationResult class contains the results of a particular syndication event at the time it was generated.
SyndicationStatus The SyndicationStatus class represents the state of a particular syndicator or subscriber when getStatus is called on it.
Syndicator Represents a WCM Syndicator.
TargetableContentComponent Representing a ContentComponent that can be used to provide a Link to a Content within a Menu, Navigator or by a Link Component.
Taxonomy Represents a Taxonomy in the repository.
TemplatedDocument An interface defining a Document that can be templated using an AuthoringTemplate
TextComponent Represents a Text component.
UserProfile The UserProfile interface retrieves user related information.
UserSelectionComponent Represents a UserSelection component.
Version A reference to a specific Version of an Item stored within the repository.
VersionAction Represents a version action.
VersionCatalog Access the set of available Versions of a Document
VirtualPortalContext The target Virtual Portal to scope the execution of a VirtualPortalScopedAction.
VirtualPortalScopedAction A computation to be performed with the scope of a specific virtual portal.
WarningMessageContainer Used to contain localized warning messages returned from API method calls.
WCMApiObject Represents an object type in the WCM API.
WcmContentService WcmContentService enables access to the WCM API through Portal services.
WcmCustomWorkflowService WcmCustomWorkflowService enables access to the Web Content Custom Workflow methods through Portal services.
WcmLibraryService WcmLibraryService enables access to Web Content Library methods through Portal services.
WcmProjectService WcmProjectService enables access to the WCM API through Portal services.
WcmSyndicationService WcmSyndicationService enables access to control syndication between Syndicator and Subscriber.
Workflow Represents a workflow.
WorkflowAction Represents a workflow action.
WorkflowedDocument WorkflowedDocument Interface Represents a WCM API object that supports workflow methods WorkflowedDocument description
WorkflowStage Represents a workflow stage.
Workspace Represents a view of the WCM repository for a particular user.

Class Summary
ClearTitleTextProviderCopyOption This CopyOption is used clear the text provider key and name of the item being copied.
CopyIntoProjectOption This CopyIntoProjectOption is used copy the item into a given project.
CopyOptions A container for specifying multiple CopyOptions when performing an API copy.
DisableSiteAreaCreationCopyOption This CopyOption is used to disable the automatic creation of a parent site area (if that option is enabled) on the authoring template when performing copy operations.
MoveOptions A container for specifying multiple MoveOptions when performing an API move.
PlacementLocation Represents a document location used to specify the destination for copy and move operations.
ProjectService Deprecated.
RecursiveCopyOption This CopyOption is used to copy descendants recursively.
RenameCopyOption This CopyOption is used to rename the item being copied.
ReplaceAuthorsCopyOption This CopyOption is used to replace the original authors of the source item being copied.
ReplaceCreatorCopyOption This CopyOption is used to replace the original creator of the source item being copied.
ReplaceOwnersCopyOption This CopyOption is used to replace the original owners of the source item being copied.
ReplaceTitleCopyOption This CopyOption is used to update the title of the item being copied.
SyndicationService Deprecated.
TreatAsNewCopyOption This CopyOption is used to indicate that the copy should be treated as if a new item was being created.
UpdatePublishedDateCopyOption This CopyOption is used to update the published date of the copied item, if necessary.

Enum Summary
Placement The directive specifying where the destination should be with respect to the selected item.
Project.ApprovalMode The list of valid project approval modes
Project.CommentMode The list of valid project comment modes
Project.PublishOptions The list of valid project publish options
ScheduledWorkflowAction.DateType The list of possible Scheduled action date types
SiteFrameworkContainer.RenderingBehaviour The possible rendering behaviours for a SiteArea
Workflow.DraftCreationBehavior The Workflow.DraftCreationBehavior controls how items using the Workflow can create new drafts
WorkflowStage.ACTION_GROUP The list of possible workflow action groups

Package Description

This package defines the IBM Web Content Manager API.

This API provides interfaces that allows programmers to create, modify, delete, search for and render content. This is achieved through the use of a workspace object which is the entry point into the repository for a particular user.