
Interface Summary
IArithmeticCondition The IArithmeticCondition interface is an object that represents an arithmetic operation in a query.
IAttribute The IAttribute interface is an object that represents an attribute in a query.
ICondition The ICondition interface is an object that represents a condition in a query.
IFrom An implementation of IFrom represents the "from" part of a query, or what tables the query is against and how they are joined.
IFunction The IFunction interface is an object that represents a function in a query.
IFunctionElement The IFunctionElement interface is an object that represents a function element in a function.
IJoin An implementation of IJoin represents a join between two tables.
ILeftOperand The ILeftOperand interface is an object that represents a left operand in a query condition.
ILimit The ILimit interface is an object that represents the limiting part in a query.
IOperator The IOperator interface is an object that represents an operator in a query.
IOrderBy The IOrderBy interface is an object that represents an order by part in a query.
IOrderByElement The IOrderByElement interface is an object that represents an order by element in an order by expression.
IOrderByExpression The IOrderByExpression interface is an object that represents an order by expression in an order by clause.
IPredicate The IPredicate interface is an object that represents a predicate in a query.
IQuery IQuery is the root interface for the query, from which the predicates and tables may be obtained and a query string generated.
IRightOperand The IRightOperand interface is an object that represents a right operand in a query condition.
ISelect An ISelect implementation identifies the attributes which should be returned by the query in the result set.
ISelectQuery The ISelectQuery interface is an object that represents a select query.
ISelectQueryCallback The ISelectQueryCallback interface is intended to facilitate query string generation based on the domain specific requirements.
ISelectStringBuilder The ISelectStringBuilder interface provides external interfaces to predicate and order by query string generation that utilizes domain specific builder callbacks.
IStringBuilder The IStringBuilder interface provides for a query string generation mechanism that delegetes operations to domain specific builder callbacks.
ITable A ITable represents a table or object from which a selection can be made.
IValue The IValue interface is an object that represents a value in a query.

Class Summary
ArithmeticCondition The ArithmeticCondition class represents an arithmetic Operation in the query framework.
Attribute The Attribute class represents a general attribute in the query framework.
Condition The Condition class represents a condition in a predicate in the query framework.
Constants This class contains constants used in the query framework.
From This is a basic implementation of IFrom.
Function The Function class represents a function in the query framework.
Join This is a basic implementation of IJoin.
Limit A basic implementation of ILimit.
Operator The Operator class represents an operator in the query framework.
OrderBy The OrderBy class represents the order by part of a select query in the query framework.
OrderByExpression The OrderByExpression class represents an order by expression in an order by clause in the query framework.
Pagination This class is used to page the results of a select query in the query framework.
Predicate The Predicate class represents a predicate in the query framework.
PredicateBase The PredicateBase class represents a conceptual predicate base in the query framework.
Query The base abstract implementation of IQuery.
Select A basic implementation of ISelect.
SelectQuery The SelectQuery class represents a select query in the query framework.
Table A basic implementation of ITable.
Value The Value class represents a general value in the query framework.
ValueList The ValueList class represents a list of values in the query framework.

Exception Summary
QueryException The QueryException class represents an exception in the query framework.