Specifying the display options in the Events view

The Events View displays events that are captured in monitored operations, including the details of message bodies and headers for selected events. Several options are available for managing the way information is displayed in the view.

Clear events

If a table contains too many entries or if you used all of the events before you capture new events, you can clear the events in the table.

To clear specific events, you have two methods:
  • Select the events (use Ctrl or Shift to select multiple events, or click one event and drag over the others). Click the Clear selected events icon on the toolbar.
  • Right-click any of the events and select the Clear Selected Events option.
To clear all of the events, you have two methods:
  • Click the Clear all events icon on the toolbar.
  • Right-click any of the events and select the Clear All Events option.
Note: After you confirm your selection, the applicable events, whether they are used or not, will be cleared from the view.

Toggle event scrolling

As new events are captured, they are added to the bottom of the events table. By default, the contents of the table do not scroll when new events are added (that is, scrolling is locked). You can toggle this behavior by clicking the Scroll Lock icon in the toolbar.

  • When the icon is highlighted, scrolling is locked.
  • When the icon is not highlighted, the contents of the table scroll, showing new events at the bottom of the table as they are added.

Show/hide used events

Once you create a test, stub, trigger, or requirement from an event in the event table, that event is considered to be "used."

Note: Once an event is used, a green check mark is displayed to the left of it in the event table.

By default, all events are displayed in the table, regardless of whether they were used. You can toggle the display of used events by clicking the Show icon in the toolbar.

  • When the icon is highlighted, all events are displayed in the table.
  • When the icon is not highlighted, events that were used are hidden from the table view.

Search events

Clicking Edit > Find on the menu bar or pressing CTRL+F displays a finder panel at the bottom of lower half of the Events View window. This enables you to search the recorded events currently displayed on the Events View window.

If you are using Test Integrations and APIs or later:
  • There is a Regex check box on the finder panel. Use it to run regular expression-based searches. If you select the Regex check box, messages are searched for Regex matches. If you clear the Regex check box, messages are searched only for string matches.
    Note: Regex searching is case sensitive but normal searching is case insensitive. So, for example, searching for literal h as a Regex might return fewer matches than searching for the same literal without Regex matching.
  • You can use search results to create a search filter. This enables you to progressively search within search results by applying layers of filters. Each of these filters can be removed to show the longer list of events again. To create a search filter, do these steps:
    1. Run a search query in the finder panel so that you get one or more results.
    2. Click Apply as filter on the finder panel.
    The number of events displayed on the upper half of the Events View window changes and "filtered" is displayed under the toolbar of the Events View window.
    To remove the filter, do these steps:
    1. Right-click the column on the upper half of the Events View window that is being filtered upon. The column is indicated by an asterisk (*) in the column header.
    2. Click Remove filter on the pop-up menu.
  • Search filters created across Test Integrations and APIs user interface sessions are displayed in a most recently used (MRU) list. Use this list to move quickly between different filters that you previously defined in the Test Integrations and APIs project.
  • Search progress is displayed in the form of tooltip text when you are searching a large number of recorded events.

Received timestamp

Use the received time stamp in table Received timestamp in table option to list and sort the events based on the received time stamp value. By default, the events in the table sorts and lists the sent timestamp value.

Find message pairs

If you are using Test Integrations and APIs or later, do these steps to select and scroll to the corresponding message in a message pair automatically:
  1. Right-click a recorded event on the Events View window and click Jump to. The Jump to option can be chosen only when one event is selected at a time.
  2. Click Previous correlated message or Next correlated message.
This method is useful for finding a message pair in a long list of events from which to create stubs or operations. For example, if a request is highlighted, Jump to will jump to the corresponding reply for that request.