Adding a test object to an object map and a script

Test UI enables you to add a test object to an object map and a script at the same time.


  1. Start the application that contains the controls you want to test.
  2. In the script, position the cursor where you want to add the test object.
  3. In the product toolbar, click the Insert Test Object into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Test Object into Active Functional Test Script.
    Test UI opens the Select an Object dialog.
  4. Click the Object Finder icon Object Finder and drag it to the application over the object that you want to add to the object map and the script.
  5. Click Finish.
    Test UI inserts the object at the cursor location in the script and displays a list of possible methods for the object. Test UI also adds the object to the test object map associated with the script.
  6. Double-click the method you want to use.