Iterating through table cells using the GetTestData method

This topic provides an example of using Test UI's GetTestData method to access the values in the cells of a grid control.

The example tests against the Classics Java application:

#Region " Script Header "
' Functional Test Script
' author Administrator
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports Rational.Test.Ft
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.SAP
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.Siebel
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Script
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Value
Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Vp
#End Region

Public Class GetGridDataExample 
    Inherits GetGridDataExampleHelper

    'Script Name   : GetGridDataExample
    'Generated     : Jul 17, 2006 2:51:15 PM
    'Description   : Functional Test Script
    'Original Host : Windows XP x86 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2 

    'since  2006/07/17
    'author Administrator

    Public Function TestMain(ByVal args() As Object) As Object


        ' Navigate to Existing Order Grid
        Jmb().Click(AtPath("Order->View Existing Order Status..."))

        ' Frame: View Order Status
        NameComboB().Click(AtText("Claire Stratus"))

        ' Wait for table to be created

        ' Get the data for the table
        Dim OrderTable As ITestDataTable
        OrderTable = ExistingTable().GetTestData("contents")

        ' Display the available data types for the grid, total rows and columns.
        System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Available Data Types: {0}", ExistingTable().GetTestDataTypes()))
        System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Rows in table : {0}", OrderTable.GetRowCount()))
        System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Cols in table : {0}", OrderTable.GetColumnCount()))

        ' Cycle through all rows
        Dim Row As Integer
        For Row = 0 To OrderTable.GetRowCount() - 1
            ' Cycle through all columns
            Dim Col As Integer
            For Col = 0 To OrderTable.GetColumnCount() - 1
                ' Print out values of cells at (Row, Col) coordinates
                System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Row {0}, {1}: {2}", Row, OrderTable.GetColumnHeader(Col), OrderTable.GetCell(Row, Col)))
            Next Col
        Next Row

        ' Close the frame

        ' Shut down Classics Java Application
        ClassicsJava(ANY, MAY_EXIT).Close()
        Return Nothing
    End Function
End Class

This example navigates to the "View Existing Orders" screen of the application. The code in this sample extracts the values from all cells in the grid and displays them in the console window.

The first step to extracting the data is to use the GetTestData method to extract the data from the control. This is done with the following syntax:

Dim OrderTable As ITestDataTable
OrderTable = ExistingTableTable().GetTestData("contents")

Given this data set, you can determine the total number of rows and columns by using the GetRowCount and GetColumnCount methods. You can also ask the control what data types are available from the table using the GetTestDataTypes. The following code sends the results of these queries to the console window.

System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Available Data Types: {0}", ExistingTable().GetTestDataTypes()))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Rows in table : {0}", OrderTable.GetRowCount()))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Cols in table : {0}", OrderTable.GetColumnCount()))

The next step is to print out the values of the individual cells, which is done by using a for loop to cycle through the rows and columns of the grid:

' Cycle through all rows
        Dim Row As Integer
        For Row = 0 To OrderTable.GetRowCount() - 1
            ' Cycle through all columns
            Dim Col As Integer
            For Col = 0 To OrderTable.GetColumnCount() - 1
                ' Print out values of cells at (Row, Col) coordinates
                System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Row {0}, {1}: {2}", Row, OrderTable.GetColumnHeader(Col), OrderTable.GetCell(Row, Col)))
            Next Col
        Next Row

The example script uses the GetCell method to print out the value of the current cell. Note also that the GetColumnHeader method prints out the current column header. When working with a grid, the numbering for both rows and columns starts at 0. This does not apply to the GetRowCount and GetColumnCount methods where numbering starts at 1.