Publishing specific result to DevOps Test Hub

If you have existing reports in the product that are not yet published, you can publish them to DevOps Test Hub without running the tests again.

Before you begin

  • You must have installed the DevOps Test Hub and started it. The server is part of the product package. For more information about DevOps Test Hub, see the Information Center.
  • If the HCL DevOps Test Hub server is behind a firewall, you might not be able to connect to it. You must configure the firewall so that it can allow connections on ports 5443 and 7828.

About this task

You can publish only XML and HTML logs. Also, you cannot open Verification Point Comparator from the published result.
Note: This feature is available only with the Eclipse-based HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI).


To publish a specific result:
  1. In the Functional Test view, right-click the result and click Publish Result.
  2. If you had added the publish parameters in Preferences, they are reflected in the Publish Result dialog. Else, click Change Server and specify the server URL. The format of the URL should be https://myserver:5443.
  3. Specify the offline user token that you created on the server. To create a token on DevOps Test Hub, see Generating an offline token.
  4. If there are projects available in the server, select a project to publish the result to. If there are no projects or you are not a member of any project on the server, you cannot publish the test result. You cannot create a project from the desktop client.
  5. In Result Name, specify a name of the result that you want to identify it with.
  6. In Labels, specify tag names or comments to associate with the results.
  7. The Overwrite result checkbox is available only when the selected result was already published. If, for some reason, the tool reports that the result was already published, you can select the Overwrite result checkbox and publish it again. Also, if you want to move test results from one project to another, you can use this checkbox.
  8. Click Finish.


Depending on the parameters that you have set, the test results will be automatically published to the server.

What to do next

To view the test results:
  1. Log in to the server.
  2. Click the Results page and then expand the test.
  3. Click the published report links. The report opens in a new browser.