Fonts and colors page

You use the Fonts and Colors page to specify color settings for the Verification Point Editor, Verification Point Comparator, and the Object Map Editor. This feature is also useful for enhancing the accessibility for people who have physical challenges, such as limited vision.

The Fonts and Colors page contains the following color controls:

Show settings for
Lists the areas of the user interface for which you can change the colors. For example, Test UI Object Map Editor, Test UI Verification Point Comparator, and Test UI Verification Point Editor.
Display items
Lists the user interface elements displayed in an area of the user interface.
Item foreground
Displays the color currently in use for the selected user interface element. Click to display a list of colors from which you can click the color you want to use.
Displays a preview of the sample color text as it will look in the user interface area.

You can change the colors settings of display items for the following areas:

Functional Test Object Map Editor

This area contains the following controls:

Owned Test Object
Indicates the color of the Owned: flag in the test object map.
Find Matching Test Object
Indicates the color of objects matching the search criteria.
Unused Test Object To Be Deleted
Indicates the color of test objects found when searching for those not having references in the scripts associated with the shared test object map.
Test Object From Read Only Script
Indicates the color of a read-only test object in the Delete Test Object dialog.

Test UI Verification Point Comparator

This area contains the following controls:

Indicates the color of the difference in verification points in the verification point comparator.
Difference on the Tree
Indicates the color of difference in the tree verification point in the verification point comparator.
Tree Left Node Only
Indicates the color of the enhanced or baseline tree node that does not appear in the actual verification point in the verification point comparator.
Tree Right Node Only
Indicates the color of actual tree node that only exists in the actual verification point and not in the expected or baseline verification point in the verification point comparator.
Table Compare Region Background
Indicates the color of columns, rows, and cells that are going to be compared in the verification point comparator.

Test UI Verification Point Editor

This area contains one control:

Table Compare Region Background
Indicates the color of columns, rows, and cells that are going to be compared in the verification point editor.

To open: Click Tools > Options, expand Environment, and click Fonts and Colors.

Related Topics:

Changing the Verification Point and Object Map Colors

Setting Test UI Options

About Test UI Preferences

Customizing Test UI for Accessibility