Testing Windows desktop applications

You can configure the Windows applications to record and play back tests on the Windows applications.

Disclaimer: You are permitted to use the information only for evaluation purposes and not for use in a production environment. HCL provides the information without obligation of support and "as is" without warranty of any kind. This release contains access to the Windows test features in Rational® Functional Tester as a technical preview. The technical preview is intended for you to view the capabilities offered for Windows tests supported in V10.1.1, and to provide your feedback to the product team.

To provide your feedback, you must perform the following tasks:
  1. Go to the Product Ideas portal.

    The Ideas portal is displayed.

  2. Log in to the Ideas portal.
  3. Click Add a new idea to provide your feedback on the Tech Preview features.
  4. Select OneTest TechPreview Programs in the Choose a workspace for this idea field.
  5. Provide all the necessary details, and then click Share Idea.

The WinAppDriver developed by Microsoft is a set of libraries that facilitates testing of Windows applications. The Appium supports the automation testing of web apps, native apps as well as hybrid apps.

You must install the WinAppDriver or the Appium server on your computer, and then run the driver when you record the Windows test. You can then configure the Windows desktop applications and record a test on the configured application. During the recording, you can perform various actions on the configured application. The actions that you perform on the applications are captured as steps of the test in the recording.

Rational® Functional Tester supports the testing of two types of Windows applications such as Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Classic Windows (Win 32) applications.