Registering DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent with DevOps Test Hub

When you want to run virtual service resources that are contained in projects on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can configure HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent (Test Integrations and APIs Agent) to register with HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) after you install the agents.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

After the installation of Test Integrations and APIs Agent, you can change the configuration of the agent by editing the Agent.config file. For example, you must add the details of Test Hub such as the hostname, port, team space alias, and the offline user token under the server section so that the agent registers with Test Hub.

After the agent is registered with Test Hub, you can run the virtual service resources that are in your Test Hub project on the agents.


  1. Stop the agent, if it is running.
  2. Open the Agent.config file, which is in the <Agent installation directory>\config directory, in a text editor.

    The configurations that pertain to Test Hub are contained in the <server></server> element.

  3. Enter the following Test Hub details:
    Attribute Value



    You must verify that the enabled attribute is set to true.
    Note: The connection to Test Hub is enabled as the default action when the enabled attribute is set to true.
    Warning: If you change the value of the enabled attribute to false, the agent cannot connect to Test Hub.



    Where <host_name> is the hostname of the Test Hub instance.
    • The base-url value must not end with a forward slash (/).
    • You can specify Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) values as the hostname in the base-url value. To update the file with the IDN value, you must open the file in UTF-8 encoding format.



    Where <team_space_id> is the ID of the team space or the URL alias.



    Where <offline-user_token> is the token created in Test Hub for you.

  4. Save and close the Agent.config file.
  5. Restart the agent.


You modified the Agent.config file to configure the agent to register with Test Hub.

What to do next

You can run the virtual service resources that are in your Test Hub project on the agents.