Setting up licenses on Linux (Ubuntu)

Before you use HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent (Test Integrations and APIs Agent), you must set up and apply the licenses by using a license server.
You can apply the licenses for the product by using any of the following methods that is based on your network set up:

After you have set up the licenses, you might want to change the location of the system cache that stores the license information temporarily or if you want to add the logging details for the licensing issues that you can use to troubleshoot such issues. See Troubleshooting licensing issues.

Setting up licenses by using the Cloud License Server

You can set up licenses for HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent (Test Integrations and APIs Agent) by using the FlexNet Cloud License Server, if the computers on which you install the product can access the internet.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Purchased the licenses.
  • Configured the URL of a FlexNet Cloud License Server with the appropriate entitlements. The URL of the FlexNet Cloud License Server is in this form:
  • Been issued the Server ID of the FlexNet Cloud License Server.


  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Add the following environment variables to /etc/environment:
    Environment variable Value
    HCL_LICENSING_ID The value specifies the ID of the licensing server. The ID provided is a 12-digit alphanumeric code. For example, 1234567890AB.
    Note: If you have set up the environment variables for previous versions of the products, you can continue to use those variables too.


You have set up the licenses by using the FlexNet Cloud License Server.

What to do next

You can perform the following tasks:

Setting up licenses by using a Local License Server

When you install the product on computers which cannot access the internet and are behind a firewall, you must set up a Local License Server. You must install the Local License Server on a physical computer and not on a Virtual Machine.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Purchased the licenses.
  • Installed the Local License Server. For example, the Local License Server can be in the following form: myServer:portNumber.
  • Configured the Local License Server with the appropriate entitlements. For more information about installing and configuring the Local License Server, see the documentation for the Local License Server on the HCL® License & Delivery portal.
  • Created a self-signed certificate, if you want to use the HTTPS method to check out the licenses from the Local License Server.


  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Perform any of the following actions:
    • If you are using HTTP to check out the licenses, go to Step 3.
    • If you are using HTTPS to check out the licenses, go to Step 4.
  3. Perform the following steps if you are using the HTTP method:
    1. Add the following environment variable to /etc/environment:
      Environment variable Value
      HCL_LICENSING_URL http://<myServer:portNumber>/request
      Substitute the following variables with the values as indicated in the following table:
      Variable Value
      myServer The hostname of the Local License Server.
      portNumber The port number of the Local License Server.
  4. Perform the following steps if you are using the HTTPS method:
    1. Import a self-signed certificate into the Java key store by running the following commands:

      cd <install_dir>\HCL\<product>\jre\bin\

      keytool -printcert -sslserver <LLS_host>:<LLS_port> -rfc | keytool -import -noprompt -alias hclfnls -keystore "<install_dir>\HCL\<product>\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit

      Substitute the following variables with the values as indicated in the following table:
      Variable Value
      install_dir The path on your computer where the product is installed.
      product The folder of the product that is installed. For example, you installed Test Integrations and APIs Agent that is in the Agent folder.
      LLS_host The hostname of the Local License Server.
      LLS_port The port number of the Local License Server.
    2. Add the following environment variable to /etc/environment:
      Environment variable Value
      HCL_LICENSING_URL https://<myServer:portNumber>/request
      Substitute the following variables with the values as indicated in the following table:
      Variable Value
      myServer The hostname of the Local License Server.
      portNumber The port number of the Local License Server.


You have set up the licenses by using a Local License Server.

What to do next

You can perform the following tasks:

Setting up licenses by using a proxy License Server

When you do not want to use the Cloud License Server or a Local License Server, you can use a proxy license server that mimics either the Cloud License Server or a Local License Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Purchased the licenses.


  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Add the following environment variables to /etc/environment:
    Environment variable Value Description
    HCL_LICENSING_PROXY_URL http://<ProxyServer Host name The value points to the hostname of the proxy license server that you want to use.
    HCL_LICENSING_PROXY_PORT ProxyServer Port number The value points to the port number of the proxy license server that you want to use.
    HCL_LICENSING_PROXY_USER ProxyServer user name The value points to the user configured to use the proxy license server.
    HCL_LICENSING_PROXY_PASS ProxyServer password The value points to the password for the user configured to use the proxy license server.


You have set up the licenses by using a proxy license server.

What to do next

You can perform the following tasks: