Configuring references

You can configure a performance test to run scenarios, which are collections of stubs, that are available on the HCL Quality Server domain associated with your HCL OneTest API project.

About this task

Using the References tab on the Config tab of the Performance Test window, you can:
  • Load the configuration of a scenario saved on a HCL Quality Server domain into the currently selected performance test, overwriting any conflicting stubs that are already configured.
  • Modify the configuration of the that scenario.
  • Run the scenario on HCL Quality Server when you run the performance test.
Note: The capability to configure performance test to run scenarios is available only if you are using 8.5.1 or later and 8.5.1 or later.
Note: Before you can load any scenarios from HCL Quality Server, you must ensure that your project is connected to a valid instance of HCL Quality Server and that your project is connected to the relevant domain.
  • To ensure that the connection is working correctly, click Project > Project Settings on the menu bar, click the Server Settings tab on the Project Settings window, and verify that a green tick icon is displayed next to the URL field on the HCL Quality Server area of the tab. If there is no URL displayed or if there is a red cross icon next to the URL field, you should contact your project administrator.
  • To ensure that your project is connected to the relevant domain, click (if necessary) the relevant domain in the Domain list on the HCL Quality Server area of the Server Settings tab.
  • Click OK to save any changes.


  1. Optional: On the References tab, select the Lock environment check box if you want to prevent HCL Quality Server users from starting or stopping stubs in the relevant execution environment while you are running the currently selected performance test.
  2. On the References tab, click Load scenario.

    The Load scenario from HCL Quality Server window is displayed.

    Note: If HCL Quality Server is not running or if your project is not configured with the correct HCL Quality Server URL, the Load scenario button is unavailable.
  3. In the Scenario list, click the relevant scenario.
    Note: Only scenarios that are available under the domain that is configured for your project are available.
  4. Specify how operations not satisfied by the selected scenario will be handled. Options are as follows:
  • Do not change (default): Any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from HCL Quality Server keep their existing selection.
  • Clear selection: Selections are cleared for any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from HCL Quality Server.
  • Set to Live System: Selections are changed to "Live System" for any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from HCL Quality Server, which means that all traffic goes to the live system.
  1. Optional: Select the Include non-referenced stubs check box.
  2. Click OK.

    The selected scenario is loaded into your project and displayed on the References tab.

    Note: Only Stub response time configuration and agent attributes are imported from the selected HCL Quality Server scenario. Other stub configuration properties, such as input tags, behavior properties, or logging settings are not imported.
  3. Review the information displayed about the scenario.
    Column Description


    Any referenced operations for the stubs within the selected scenario.

    Note: By default, the table on the References table is sorted in ascending order by using the Reference column. To change the sort, or to sort by any other column, click the title of the wanted column, sorting cycles through ascending, descending, and no sort as you click.

    Satisfied by

    If a referenced operation can be stubbed, clicking the cell under Satisfied by displays a list that contains the following options:
    • Blank: Selecting this option means that no changes are made to anything currently running in HCL OneTest API.
      Note: This option is useful if you are working with nested scenarios and you want to prevent the tearing down of any stubs in a parent scenario.
    • Live System: Selecting this option stops any stubs that are running for this operation either in HCL OneTest API or in the execution environment in HCL Quality Server when the scenario is executed.

    Location & version

    If a stub is selected under Satisfied by for a referenced operation, clicking the cell under Location & version displays a list that contains the following options:
    • Local
    • Remote Stub version number

    A remote stub is a stub that was previously published from HCL OneTest API to HCL Quality Server. The stub version number that is displayed refers to the version number specified when it was published. Only stub versions that are published to the domain associated with the current project are available.


    If a stub is selected under Satisfied by for a referenced operation, clicking the cell under Config opens the Stub Configuration window.

    Note: Stub response time configuration and agent attributes are imported from the selected HCL Quality Server scenario but other stub configuration is not imported.

    Using the Response times tab, you can override response time settings that are configured in the currently selected stubs properties.

    Using the Agents tab, you can override agent settings for the currently selected stub:
    • In the Number of agents to start the stub on field, you can overwrite the value displayed.
    • In the Agent attributes field, you can overwrite the attributes or insert additional attributes in a comma-separated list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Save and run the currently selected performance test.


The Task Monitor and Console windows in the Test Lab perspective are displayed. Verify that the test starts.

When you run the performance test:
  • Any stubs that were running on the selected execution environment in HCL Quality Server stop for any operations in the scenario where Live System or a stub was selected.
    Note: In the Environments Dashboard of HCL Quality Server, verify that the relevant stubs are started on the selected execution environment. To verify which agents are running the stubs, navigate to the Infrastructure Dashboard, identify the agent from its name under the Identity column and check the Status to be displaying as CONNECTED for a running agent.
  • The selected execution environment in HCL Quality Server is locked if you selected the Lock environment check box on the References tab.
  • Any stub or stubs that are linked to the scenario are executed.
  • When the scenario finishes, all stubs (both remote and local) that it started are stopped.