Stubs: Starting or stopping

When you have virtual services in the API test assets, you can start an instance of the virtual service contained in the API test assets from the Resources page in your team space on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). You can stop running instances of the virtual service from the Instances page in your team space.

You can only run the virtual services added to your project on Test Hub and you cannot create virtual services in Test Hub.

You can create virtual services only in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs). After you create the virtual services in Test Integrations and APIs and add them to your project on Test Hub, you can then start instances of the virtual services.

After you start the virtual service, you can run tests that use the virtual service. When you are done testing the virtual service, you must stop the running instances of the virtual service. If the virtual services are not stopped, they continue to run indefinitely until they are stopped.

You can perform the following tasks on the virtual services that are supported on Test Hub: