Associating resources with components

After creating components in the system model, you can navigate to a project in the team space to associate the test suites and virtual services resources in the project repositories with the components in the system model.

Before you begin

  • You must have created components.
  • You must be a member of the project that contains the test suites and virtual service resources.


  1. Click Projects.

    The Projects page is displayed.

  2. Click the project that contains the test suites and virtual service resources that you want to associate with components.
  3. Click System Model.
  4. Click the component that you want to associate with the test suites and virtual services resources.

    The component details are displayed in the right pane.

  5. Click the Associate tab.
    The associated resources are displayed. To associate more resources, click the Add association icon image of the icon next to the resource type.
    Note: Click the Add button to associate resources with the component for the first time.
    To associate a resource with a component for the first time, you must perform the following steps:
    1. Click Add.

      A drop-down list is displayed.

    2. Select one of the following resource types:
      • Test Suites: Click this option if you want to associate your component with the different types of test suites.
      • Virtual Services: Click this option if you want to associate your component with the virtual service resources.

      The Associate Assets page is displayed.

      • You can view all the available resources of the test suites and virtual services by selecting the Test Suites and Virtual Resources checkboxes.
      • You can use the Search field to search for virtual service resources by entering the name of the the test suite or virtual service resources.
    3. Select one or more resources that you want to associate, and then click Add.

      The added resources are displayed in the Associate and Overview tabs of the component.

  6. Optional: Associate more resources by clicking the Add association icon Image of the add icon. next to the resource type.


You have associated components with the test suites and virtual service resources.