
Loop detection simplifies UML sequence diagrams by summarizing repeating traces into a loop symbol.

Note Loops are extensions to UML Sequence Diagrams and are not supported by the UML standard.

A loop is represented as shown below:

A tag displays the name of the loop and the number of executions.

The loop is linked to its source file. In the UML/SD Viewer, click a loop to open the Text Editor at the corresponding line in the source code.

To configure Runtime Tracing to detect loops:

  1. From the Project Explorer, select the highest level node to which you want to apply the option, such as the Workspace.

  2. Right-click the node, and select Settings... from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the Configuration Settings dialog, select the Runtime Tracing node, and Trace Control.

  4. From the options box, set the Automatic Loop Detection to Yes.

  5. Click OK.

Related Topics

UML Sequence Diagrams | Model Elements and Relationships in Sequence Diagrams