Model Elements and Relationships in Sequence Diagrams

The UML sequence diagrams produced by the UML/SD Viewer illustrate program interactions with an emphasis on the chronological order of messages.

To learn about See
Notation used to show when an instance (object or classifier role) is active Activations
Model elements that represent roles played by classifiers participating in a collaboration Classifier Roles
Notation used to show that an instance has been destroyed Destruction Markers
Notation used to show the existence of an instance during an interaction Lifelines
Model elements that represent communication between classifier roles Messages
Model elements that represent instances of classifiers Objects
Model elements that represent communication between objects Stimuli
Non-standard model elements that represent thrown exceptions in C++ Exceptions
Model element that describes a role that a user plays when interacting with the system being modeled Actors
Non-standard model elements that represent a loop in the execution of a program Loops
Non-standard model elements that are used to represent synchronization points when multiple files are viewed together Synchronizations
Model elements that represent miscellaneous information such as comments or user-defined messages Notes

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UML Sequence Diagrams