Accessing the server in a Kubernetes cluster

You can access the HCL Launch server in the Kubernetes cluster.

Before you begin

Ensure that the server is correctly installed in your Kubernetes environment. See Installing the server in an OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster.

About this task

The output of the helm status <releaseName> command provides the commands that contain the URL of the server.
  1. Run the commands to obtain the server's URL:
    $ helm status ucdtest
    where, ucdtest is the <releaseName>.
    The following output message is displayed and shows the application availability at the echo command:
    NAME: ucdtest
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed May 17 19:29:55 2023
    NAMESPACE: namespacename
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    The application is now starting and will be available at:
    echo https://$(oc get routes/ucdtest-opr-ibm-ucd-prod
  2. Run the echo command displayed in the output message to identify the URL to use to access the HCL Launch server:
    $ echo https://$(oc get routes/ucdtest-opr-ibm-ucd-prod

    The output displayed is the URL you can use to access the server: $

You can access the HCL Launch by using the URL output of the echo command.