Preparing Windows 2000 and Windows NT servers for password authentication

If you are setting up secure passwords for the TSO Client feature and if you want to use a computer running Windows® 2000 or Windows NT® as the server component of TSO Client, follow the procedures in this section.

Before you begin

If you are running the TSO Client server on Windows XP, Linux, or UNIX platforms, you do not have to perform this procedure. If you are not using a computer running Windows 2000 or Windows NT as the server component of TSO Client, proceed to the next section, Setting the password authentication parameter for the TSO Client server.

Preparing a computer running Windows 2000 for password authentication


To prepare a computer running Windows 2000 to use password authentication as the server component of TSO Client, do these steps:
  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Local Security Policy.
  4. In the left pane of the Local Security Settings window, double-click Local Policy.
  5. Double-click User Rights Assignment.
  6. In the right pane of the Local Security Settings window, right-click Act as part of the operating system and then click Security.
  7. On the Local Security Setting page, click Add.
  8. Select the user Administrator.
  9. Click Add.

Preparing a computer running Windows NT for password authentication


To prepare a computer running Windows NT to use password authentication as the server component of TSO Client, do these steps:
  1. Click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > User Management.
  2. In the User Management window, click Policies.
  3. Click User Rights.
  4. In the User Rights Policy window, select Administrator.
  5. Select the Show Advanced User Rights check box.
  6. Select Act as part of the operating system from the Right drop-down menu.
  7. Click OK.

What to do next