A gray box represents the Remote Build client. There are two large, vertically aligned boxes to the right of the Remote Build client. The top box represents the MVS™, and the bottom box represents the UNIX® System Services (z/OS® UNIX System Services) . A lightning bolt icon between the Remote Build client and the MVS box represents a TCP/IP connection. On the inner left side of the MVS box, there are three small, vertically aligned boxes. They are labeled, in descending order, RCCINIT, RCCBLDS, and RCCUSS (BCL). A one-way arrow passes down between them. There is also a small box labeled IBM® RACF® that is aligned horizontally to the right of the RCCINIT box. There is a two-way arrow representing user ID validation between the IBM RACF box and the RCCINIT box. Inside the z/OS UNIX System Services box, there is a script icon labeled rccbldw.sh above a box labeled RCCBLDW (Child process). A one-way arrow points down between the script icon and the RCCBLDW box. Below and to the right of the RCCBLDW box there is a circle labeled Script processing. There is a two-way arrow between the RCCBLDW box and the Script processing circle. There is a two-way arrow between the RCCBLDS and the RCCBLDW (Child process) box which represents a TCP/IP session. End Figure 2.