Configuring ClearCase Dialogs preferences

Use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Dialogs preferences page to specify the options that appear on the common ClearTeam® Explorer dialogs by default.


To configure ClearCase preferences:
  1. From the main menu bar, click Window > Preferences > ClearCase > Dialogs to open the Preferences dialog box to the Dialogs page.
  2. Select the ClearTeam Explorerr dialog box for which you want to specify preferences. These include the following dialogs: Add To Source Control, Checkout, Checkin, Move, Remove, and Rename.
  3. Select Add To Source Control to set preferences for the Add To Source Control dialog box. For this dialog, you can set the following preferences:
    • To specify that the Comment field appears by default on the Add To Source Control dialog when details are hidden, select Comment.
    • To specify that the Checkout artifacts after adding to source control option appears by default on the Add To Source Control dialog when the details are hidden, select Option to checkout artifacts after adding to source control.
    • To specify that the Leave the parent directory checked out option appears by default on the Add To Source Control dialog when the details are hidden, select Option to leave the parent directory checked out.
  4. Select Checkout to set any of the following preferences for the Checkout dialog box:
    • To specify that the Selected resources table appears by default on the Checkout dialog when details are hidden, select Table of artifacts.
    • To specify that the UCM Activity options appear by default on the Checkout dialog when details are hidden, select Activity.
    • To specify that the Comment field appears by default on the Checkout dialog when details are hidden, select Comment.
  5. Select Checkin to set any of the following preferences for the Checkin dialog box:
    • To specify that the Selected resources table appears by default on the Checkin dialog when details are hidden, select Table of artifacts.
    • To specify that the UCM Activity options appear by default on the Checkin dialog when details are hidden, select Activity.
    • To specify that the Comment field appears by default on the Checkin dialog when details are hidden, select Comment.
  6. Select Move, Remove, or Rename to set the following preferences for any of these dialog boxes:
    • To specify that the Comment field appears by default on the dialog when details are hidden, select Comment.
    • To specify that the Leave the parent directory checked out option appears by default on the dialog when the details are hidden, select Option to leave the parent directory checked out.
  7. Save your preferences.
    • To restore all ClearCase Dialogs preferences to their default settings, click Restore Defaults.
    • Click Apply to set the specified preferences and leave the dialog box open.
    • Click OK to set the specified preferences and close the dialog box.
    • To cancel the operation and close the dialog box, click Cancel.