Final validation: creating Release 2.0

Baseline 2 has been released internally, and further testing has found only minor bugs (see the following figure). These bugs have been fixed by creating new versions on the main branch.
Figure 1: Final test and release

A white rectangle marked Baseline 2 starts a solid line that is marked Minor bugfixes. The solid line ends at a black rectangle marked Release 2.0.

Before the monet application is shipped to customers, it goes through a validation phase:

  • All editing, building, and testing is restricted to a single, shared view.
  • All builds are performed from sources with a particular version label (R2.0).
  • Only the project manager has permission to make changes involving that label.
  • All labels must be moved by hand.
  • Only high-priority bugs are fixed, using this procedure:
    • The project manager authorizes a particular developer to fix the bug, by granting her permission to create new versions (on the main branch).
    • The developer’s checkin activity is tracked by a DevOps Code ClearCase® trigger.
    • After the bug is fixed, the project manager moves the R2.0 version label to the fixed version and revokes the developer’s permission to create new versions.