Query support

Queries in a Rational® ClearQuest® user database are run by the integration either from a trigger firing or from an explicit developer selection in one of the integration interfaces (either Browse in the GUI or Queryname in the command line interface). You can make these queries available in the following ways:

  • Provide queries in either the Personal Queries or Public Queries folder in a Rational ClearQuest user database (Rational ClearQuest queries).
  • Define queries in the integration configuration file (local queries).

By default, only local queries are available to developers. The Web interface supports only local queries.

In making queries available to developers, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Currently there is no support for queries that prompt the developer for runtime parameters. That is, Rational ClearQuest queries that contain dynamic filters are not supported, and, if dynamic filters are used in queries in the integration, they act as if default values were selected without user interaction.
  • Only single-line text fields in query results are supported in both Rational ClearQuest and local queries. The integration provides no special handling for multiple-line output within text fields.
  • The first field in the query result set must be the Rational ClearQuest record ID.