Specifying associations in comment patterns

If the CQCC_COMMENT_PATTERN configuration parameter is enabled in the configuration file, the developers can provide that pattern to look for in checkout or checkin comments. The pattern provides a list of associations to use and replaces the prompting for associations by the integration interface. The pattern is disabled by default and enabled by setting a non-empty pattern.

To enable this option, in the CQCC_COMMENT_PATTERN configuration parameter, specify a pattern in the form of a Perl expression. For example:

&SetConfigParm("CQCC_COMMENT_PATTERN", "BUGS:\\[(\\S+)\\]");

This example uses double backslash characters to escape each backslash character.

The developers make associations by entering a checkin or checkout comment that matches the pattern, as in the following example of a checkout comment:

"This fixes BUGS:[SAMPL1,2,3]"

The pattern that is supplied in the checkout comment matches the pattern that is defined in the CQCC_COMMENT_PATTERN configuration parameter. This method avoids starting the integration user interface for associating files with change requests.

The change requests that developers enter on checkin commands override the change requests that they specify on checkout commands.

If the CQCC_AUTO_ASSOCIATE configuration parameter and the CQCC_COMMENT_PATTERN configuration parameter are enabled at the same time, the integration uses CQCC_AUTO_ASSOCIATE when it makes associations.