Using a shared configuration file and triggers

In the Rational ClearQuest Integration Configuration tool, if you set V2-Perl, you have the following options:

  • Use a local configuration file and local trigger scripts (default).
  • Use a shared, centrally located configuration file and local copies of trigger scripts.
  • Use a shared, centrally located configuration file and shared trigger scripts.

By default, the Path field is filled in with CQCC/, the path to the configuration file. In this path, the value CQCC resolves to the following value on each local client:


By default, the cqcc_launch script is installed in the following location on each local client:


On Linux and the UNIX system, the script is cqcc_launch; on the Windows® system, the script is cqcc_launch.bat.

In this configuration, each time the integration starts or a trigger fires on a client machine, the local instances of the configuration file, the cqcc_launch script, and trigger scripts are run. This is the default configuration.

To define a central location for accessing a shared, centrally located configuration file, in the Rational ClearQuest Integration Configuration tool, provide a sitewide path to the configuration file. To provide the path, change the Path field to a UNC path to a Windows system or to a full path to Linux or the UNIX system that contains the configuration file and the cqcc_launch script. The integration uses that one central configuration file and the cqcc_launch script for all users of VOBs that are enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®. All users will run the shared, centrally located copy of the file. This configuration uses local copies of trigger scripts.

If you set Use trigger scripts in Path directory, you can use shared, centrally located trigger scripts with the centrally located configuration file. This setting allows you to centralize the trigger source code in one location. Triggers installed with this option look for the configuration file, cqcc_launch script, and trigger source code in the same directory in which the configuration file is located. This is the best configuration because it is easiest to secure and maintain.

If you use a centrally located configuration file or trigger scripts, perform some housekeeping procedures to set up the central location. This set-up involves copying the requisite files from the installed location on a DevOps Code ClearCase® system to the central location. For more information, see the online Help in the Rational ClearQuest Integration Configuration tool.

In support of the configuration, the cqcc_launch script provides as a convenience the following command-line option:

cqcc_launch -vob

This command searches the current VOB for its checkout trigger to determine the correct paths and configuration file to use in launching the script.