The contents of the configuration file

The file can contain non-ASCII values (for example, non-ASCII database names) either as local code page when all client machines are using the same code page or UTF-8 values when more than one local code page is in use. If you use UTF-8 values in the file, perform the following actions:

  1. Use a UTF-8 capable editor (for example, Windows® Notepad) to open the file.
  2. Include the following line at the top of the file, before the use CQCC::TriggerCQCC; statement:
    use utf8;   

    This line tells Perl that the file contains UTF-8 strings.

  3. Use the Save As command and, in Encoding, select UTF-8 to save the file in UTF-8 format.

    This preserves the strings that you entered in the file as UTF-8 data.