Upgrading Component Pack to the latest version

Upgrade the HCL Connections Component Pack to version

Before you begin

These upgrade steps are only valid when upgrading from a deployment or later of Component Pack. If you have an earlier release installed, you must upgrade to first using the steps in the topic Upgrading Component Pack to, and then follow the steps in this topic to upgrade to the latest version.

Attention: The upgrade process requires application downtime and should be scheduled accordingly. All of the steps in this topic must be completed before your deployment will be fully functional again.

Back up the deployCfC folder

Backup the /opt/deployCfC folder on your boot node by running this command:

sudo mv /opt/deployCfC/ "/opt/deployCfC_`date "+%F-%T"`"

Upgrade IBM® Cloud Private

To upgrade IBM® Cloud Private, follow the steps in the topic Installing IBM Cloud Private, making sure to use the --upgrade argument with deployCfC.sh. For example, for a non-HA deployment:

sudo bash /opt/deployCfC/deployCfC.sh \
--boot=bootserver.example.com \
--master_list=bootserver.example.com \
--worker_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com \
--infra_worker_list=infraworkerserver1.example.com,infraworkerserver2.example.com,infraworkerserver3.example.com \
--proxy_list=proxyserver1.example.com --upgrade
Note: When upgrading, you should use all of the deployCfC.sh argument flags that you would use during a standard install, plus --upgrade flag.

Upgrade Component Pack

Use the following command to upgrade Component Pack services to the latest:

sudo bash <extracted_folder>/microservices/hybridcloud/install.sh 

If your deployment only has certain components deployed due to a Starter Stack install, then you can upgrade only those components by using the following command:

sudo bash <extracted_folder>/microservices/hybridcloud/install.sh -ip <StarterStack> 

For more info on Starter Stack, see Installing Component Pack services.

Note: If your deployment only has certain components deployed due to a Starter Stack install, and you run install.sh without the Starter Stack flag -ip, then the components that are currently deployed will be upgraded, and the remaining components that are part of the full Component Pack release will also be installed.

Setting the ports after upgrading

Run the following commands after upgrading in order to ensure community-suggestions, itm-services, orient-web-client and mail-service components are running on the correct ports:

  1. On the boot/master node, change directory:
    cd <extracted_folder>/microservices/hybridcloud
  2. Run a Helm upgrade on community-suggestions:
    helm upgrade community-suggestions \
    helmbuilds/community-suggestions/community-suggestions-0.1.0-20180207-181337.tgz \
    --values=bin/common_values.yaml \
    --set service.nodePort=32200
  3. Run a Helm upgrade on itm-services:
    helm upgrade itm-services \
    helmbuilds/itm-services/itm-services-0.1.0-20180213-003437.tgz \
    --values=bin/common_values.yaml \
    --set service.nodePort=31100
  4. Run a Helm upgrade on orient-web-client:
    helm upgrade orient-web-client \
    helmbuilds/orient-web-client/orient-web-client-0.1.0-20180222-120221.tgz \
    --values=bin/common_values.yaml \
    --set service.nodePort=30001
  5. Run a Helm upgrade on mail-service:
    helm upgrade mail-service \
    helmbuilds/mail-service/mail-service-0.1.0-20171205-071234.tgz \
    --values=bin/common_values.yaml \
    --set service.nodePort=32721 

Upgrade ElasticSearch

If you upgrade ElasticSearch, you must re-import security certificates into the WebSphere Application Server deployment manager used for the Connections deployment. For instructions, see Enabling Elasticsearch Metrics to connect to a Component Pack server.