Uninstalling Component Pack

Follow these steps to remove the Component Pack from your Connections deployment. These steps remove all applications from your deployment, including Docker.

About this task

Use these steps to remove the Component Pack from your Connections deployment.


In the folder on the master server where you installed Component Pack, run the installation script, deployCfC.sh with the uninstall argument.
Specify the host names of the servers and their roles. If you are using more than one worker server, separate the host names with commas. Setting uninstall=clean renames files that were being used by the install, uninstall=cleaner renames some and deletes some, while uninstall=cleanest deletes all files. Persistent volumes are left intact. For example, this command performs a clean uninstallation with prompts for server credentials:

cd /opt/deployCfC/ 

sudo sh deployCfC.sh --boot=bootserver.example.com \
--master_list=masterserver.example.com \
--worker_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com \
--proxy_list=proxyserver1.example.com \

The example below is an alternative in order to performs the uninstall with no prompts messages. In this case, all servers must use the same root password.

cd /opt/deployCfC/ 

sudo sh deployCfC.sh --boot=bootserver.example.com \
--master_list=masterserver.example.com \
--worker_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com \
--proxy_list=proxyserver1.example.com \
--skip_ssh_prompts \
--root_login_passwd=rootpassword \
This example demonstrates uninstalling a high availability deployment:

cd /opt/deployCfC/

sudo sh deployCfC.sh --boot=bootserver.example.com \
--master_list=bootserver.example.com,masterserver2.example.com,masterserver2.example.com \
--worker_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com \
--proxy_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com  \
--proxy_HA_vip=9.x.x.y --master_HA_vip=9.x.x.n --master_HA_iface=net_iface --proxy_HA_iface=net_iface \
--cfc_ee_url=location_of_ICp_EE_files \
--docker_storage_block_device=/dev/XXX \