Using the Kibana data visualization plug-in

Get a graphical view of your Component Pack log data using the Kibana data visualization plug-in for the IBM® Cloud Private (ICp).

About Kibana

Kibana is an open source data visualization plug-in for Elasticsearch that is installed by default as part of Component Pack. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data. Kibana running on the ICp masters allows you to visualize and monitor Orient Me logs.

Kibana 4.6.4 is compatible with ICp Elasticsearch.

Using the Kibana dashboard

  1. To view the Kibana dashboard, enter the following URL in a browser: http://master_host_name:5601

    In a HA environment, master_host_name will be the value of the --master_HA_vip argument that was used during the installation of ICp.

  2. After navigating to the Kibana URL in a browser, Kibana service prompts you to configure the Kibana index pattern. To do so, select @timestamp as the time-field name and accept the defaults for all other options.
    Configuring the Kibana index pattern
Note: The Kibana service does not restart automatically after a server restart; run the following commands to start Kibana again, replacing <args> with the same arguments you used during the installation:
/opt/deployCfC/ <args>
docker exec -it kibana bash
chmod +r /kibana/*