Populating Profiles with photos from LDAP

Use the load_photos_from_ldap assembly-line command to load photos directly from your LDAP.

Before you begin

Make sure that the Profiles database is populated, because the load_photos_from_ldap command iterates through the users in the Profiles database, using the distinguished name to look up the user in the LDAP directory.


To populate a Profiles database with photos from LDAP:
  1. Open profiles_tdi.properties, locate the load_photos_from_ldap_attr_name property, and set it to the name of the LDAP binary attribute that contains the photo.

    Typical names for the LDAP binary attribute are photo, jpegPhoto, and image, but you must use the same name that your LDAP uses.

  2. Run the load_photos_from_ldap command.

What to do next

If you have more than one LDAP or LDAP branch that contains the photos that you need for Profiles, you must repeat the procedure for each LDAP or LDAP branch. Make sure that you modify the LDAP-specific properties in profiles_tdi.properties before each run. For example, the following properties should be specified for each LDAP or LDAP branch: source_ldap_url, source_ldap_search_base, source_ldap_user_login, among others.