Moderation error messages

Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections™ to identify problems with the Moderation application and find their solutions.

Moderation messages

The following error messages are generated by the Moderation application:
Table 1. Moderation application error messages
Message Cause Solution

CLFWA0001W : Unable to get the value of initial parameter <parameterName> in the owner moderation proxy servlet.

Failed to get the value of the specified initial parameter of the owner moderation proxy servlet.

Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file.

CLFWA0002E : An exception was thrown during the server-to-server call.

An error occurred while making a server-to-server call.

Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file.

CLFWA0003W : Unable to read the J2C authentication configuration.

Failed to read Connections J2C alias configuration.

Verify that Connections J2C aliases are correctly configured.

CLFWA0004W : Unable to read the inter-service URL of component <interServiceURL>.

Failed to read the InterService URL of the component with specified name.

Verify that the specified component is correctly configured in LotusConnections-config.xml.

CLFWA0005W : Unable to read the service URL of component <serviceURL>.

Failed to read the Service URL of the component with specified name.

Verify that the specified component is correctly configured in LotusConnections-config.xml.

CLFWA006E : Unable to retrieve the owners of a community.

Failed to retrieve any owners of a community.

Verify that the Communities applications is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file.

CLFWA007E : Unable to send a notification.

An error occurred while sending an email notification.

Verify that the mail service is correctly configured. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file.

CLFWA008W : Unable to determine whether this component is enabled: <componentName>.

Failed to determine whether the specified component is enabled.

Check the entry of the specified component in LotusConnections-config.xml and verify that it is correct. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file.