Changing the location of the favicon cache

Change the default directory for the favicon cache from the IBM® websphere Application Server (WAS) administrator console.

Before you begin

By default, the favicon cache is stored in the IBM Connections data directory under Bookmarks. The variable is stored in the WebSphere® Application Server variables. You can change the location of the favicon cache by updating the WebSphere Application Server variable. To change the locations, complete the following steps:

About this task

Follow these steps to change the default directory of the favicon cache or the full-text index.


  1. Launch the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Select Environment > WebSphere variables.
  3. Select DOGEAR_FAVICON_DIR from the list of WebSphere variables.
  4. Enter a new location for the variable in the Value field and click Apply.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Restart the Bookmarks server for your changes to take effect.