Predefined schemas

HCL Compass provides eight out-of-the-box-schemas that you can customize using the Designer.

Table 1. HCL Compass schemas
Schema name Description
Blank A minimum configuration base for building schemas.
Common A base-level configuration that includes the most commonly used schema elements.
Defect Tracking Includes features for defect-tracking processes.
AnalystStudio Includes fields and rules that allow HCL Compass to be used with Rational® AnalystStudio®.
DevelopmentStudio Includes fields and rules that allow HCL Compass software to be used with Rational® DevelopmentStudio.
TestStudio Includes fields and rules that allow HCL Compass to be used with Rational® TestStudio.
UnifiedChangeManagement Includes fields and rules that allow HCL Compass to be used with Rational® ClearCase®.
Enterprise Includes fields and rules that allow HCL Compass to be used with Rational Suite® Enterprise.