Configuring the HCL Compass REST API SSL Certificate

To maintain security in HCL Compass, you must configure the REST API SSL certificate.

About this task

By default, the HCL Compass REST API Server ships with a self-signed SSL certificate. To maintain security, you must obtain and install your own SSL certificate for the machine that the REST API Server is running on. You must have the following:
  • SSL certificate in .p12 (PKCS12) format. For example, c:\cert\mycertstore.p12 must be on your local disk.
  • SSL certificate alias. For example, apiserver.
  • SSL certificate password. For example, mypass.
After you have these, update the file in the config directory as follows. To update the file, you must replace the existing values with the values that pertain to your SSL certificate, alias, and password.
server.ssl.key-store: file:c:/cert/mycertstore.p12
server.ssl.key-store-password: mypass
server.ssl.keyStoreType: PKCS12
server.ssl.keyAlias: apiserver