Subscription: Subscription Noun

The subscription noun logically represents both recurring orders and subscriptions.

BOD Summary

Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder
ProcessSubscription Create /Subscription[] Creates a subscription entity for both recurring order and subscriptions. This action supports creating multiple subscriptions.
For a recurring order, the following parameters are mandatory:
  • The unique ID of parent order.
  • The fulfillment schedule. A recurring order can be either time bound or an infinite recurring order. Hence the fulfillment schedule only mandates the frequency information to be passed in the schedule. The start date is assumed to be current date if not specified. The end date will be set to 9999-12-31 to indicate an infinite recurrence.
  • The total cost of the recurring order
  • The state of the recurring order. If the state is InActive, the subscription is created in InActive state. This typically happens if the payment is not approved.
  • The subscription type code is to be set to "RecurringOrder"

For a recurring order, the default implementation of this service expects the payment schedule and the fulfillment schedule to be the same. The service is invoked by the order upon the purchase of a recurring order.
For a subscription, the following parameters are mandatory:
  • The unique ID of parent order.
  • The catalog entry ID of the subscription item being bought
  • The order item ID of the subscription item in the parent order
  • The quantity of the subscription item. If the quantity is not passed, it is defaulted to 1.
  • The total cost for the subscription
  • The fulfillment schedule for subscription item. The subscription being time bound is expected to provide the duration and frequency information in the schedule. The start date if not provided is assumed to be current date.
  • If the payment is made up front for the subscription, the payment schedule is expected to indicate it. If the payment schedule is missing, the payment schedule is assumed to be same as the fulfillment schedule.
  • The state of the recurring order. If the state is InActive, the subscription is created in InActive state. This typically happens if the payment is not approved.
  • The subscription type code is to be set to type of the subscription item. E.g. Time-Based

In case of subscriptions, the service will be invoked by the order for all the subscription items in it. The order makes a single request to create all the subscription entities.


SubscriptionFacadeClient.createSubscriptions(Map) SubscriptionFacadeClient.createRecurringOder(Map)
Activate /Subscription[1] Activates a subscription or a recurring order which is in inactive state.
The subscription to be activated is identified by either:
  • The subscription ID
  • For a recurring order, the parent Order ID
  • For a subscription, the parent Order and Order Item ID

The service moves the subscription to active state. If the next fulfillment date has passed, it sets the next fulfillment date to current date and creates the scheduled actions to place the child order.

Cancel /Subscription[1] Cancels a subscription or a recurring order
For both the types, the below parameter is mandatory:
  • subscriptionId - The subscription ID of the recurring order or the subscription.

This service is invoked the store front when it receives a cancel request. It has a configurable notice period that is set by the merchant based on the store policies. When a user places a cancel request, this services verifies if the difference between the current time and the next order date is at least equal to or greater than the notice period. If the time difference is sufficient, the subscription is immediately canceled and if it is insufficient, a cancel job is scheduled to take place later, keeping the notice period in mind.


Renew /Subscription[1] The renew subscription service is an internal service embedded as part of the create subscription service and is used to determine if the subscription being currently created can be said to have been renewed from an existing subscription of the shopper. A subscription is said to have been renewed if both of the below conditions are true
  • The ProductBean of the newly created subscription is equal to the ProductBean of the subscription that was chosen
  • The start date of the newly created subscription is greater than the end date of the subscription that was chosen

If there are multiple subscriptions that match the above rule, a subscription whose catalog entry ID is equal to the catalog entry ID of the newly created subscription is chosen. If there are many candidates with the same catalog entry ID, the subscription that is closest to the newly created subscription, in terms of having the least difference between its end date and the start date of the new subscription is chosen.
GetSubscription IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details /Subscription[SubscriptionIdentifier[(UniqueID=)]] Gets the details of a subscription entity for both subscription and recurring order using the uniqueID of the subscription entity. Request

IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details /Subscription[BuyerIdentifier[UniqueID=] and (SubscriptionTypeCode=)] Gets the information of the recurring order/subscription of a registered user using the memberID of the registered user and the subscription type code
The value of the subscription type code decides whether the recurring order or subscription information needs to be retrieved The possible values of subscription type code are:
  • RecurringOrder for recurring order
  • TIME-BASED for time based subscription
  • EVENT-BASED for event based subscription
  • TIME-EVENT-BASED for time and event based subscription
  • All to retrieve all the subscriptions for a registered user except the recurring order

findRecurringOrdersForUser findAllSubscriptionsForUser findSubscriptionForUserBySubscriptionType

Access Profile

Some sample XML request and response web service messages are provided for each noun. These sample messages might not include all properties or attributes. To view a sample message that includes other properties or attributes, enable logging and tracing for the appropriate component and then call the web service to set or change the properties or attributes. Review the corresponding log file to see the request or response information.

Access Profile Data Returned
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/BuyerIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/PurchaseDetails/ParentOrderIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/PurchaseDetails/ParentOrderItemIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/PurchaseDetails/SubscribedItem/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/TotalCost
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/TotalCost/@currency
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/AmountPaid
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/AmountPaid/@currency
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/StartInfo/StartDate
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/Frequency
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/Frequency/@uom
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/NextOccurence
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/EndInfo/EndDate
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/EndInfo/Duration
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/EndInfo/Duration/@uom
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/EndInfo/TotalOccurrences
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/StartInfo/StartDate
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/Frequency
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/Frequency/@uom
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/NextOccurence
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/RemainingOccurrences
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/CompletedOccurrences
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/EndInfo/EndDate
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/EndInfo/Duration
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/EndInfo/Duration/@uom
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentSchedule/EndInfo/TotalOccurrences
  • /Subscription/Description
  • /Subscription/CancelledDate
  • /Subscription/State
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionTypeCode
  • /Subscription/TimePlaced
This profile is used to get the basic information of all the recurring orders/subscriptions for a shopper Request

IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_Summary
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/AmountToCharge
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/PaymentInfo/AmountToCharge/@currency
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/RemainingOccurrences
  • /Subscription/SubscriptionInfo/FulfillmentSchedule/FrequencyInfo/CompletedOccurrences
  • /Subscription/SuspendedPeriod/SuspendDate
  • /Subscription/SuspendedPeriod/ResumeDate
  • /Subscription/RenewalInfo/RenewedSubscriptionIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Subscription/LastUpdate
This profile is used to get the detailed information of a specific recurring order/subscription for a shopper Request

XSD files