This table contains terms and conditions used in trading agreements (business accounts, contracts, RFQs). To see how columns are used by different terms and conditions, refer to TERMCOND column mapping.

Column Descriptions:

TERMCOND_IDBIGINT NOT NULLPrimary key and internal reference number for this term.
TCSUBTYPE_IDCHAR (64) NOT NULLForeign key to the TCSUBTYPE table. This column indicates the sub-type of the term.
TRADING_IDBIGINT NOT NULLForeign key to TRADING table. This column indicates the trading agreement this term belongs to.
MANDATORYINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0This column is used to indicate if the trading agreement participant must respond to this term during negotiation. Valid values are as follows:
  • 0=no
  • 1=yes
CHANGEABLEINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0This column indicates if the trading agreement participant can change the term. Valid values are as follows:
  • 0=no
  • 1=yes
TIMECREATEDTIMESTAMPTime that this term and condition was created.
TIMEUPDATEDTIMESTAMPTime that this term and condition was last updated.
STRINGFIELD1VARCHAR (3200)A STRING field used to store terms and conditions data.
STRINGFIELD2VARCHAR (254)A STRING field used to store terms and conditions data.
STRINGFIELD3VARCHAR (254)A STRING field used to store terms and conditions data.
INTEGERFIELD1INTEGERAn INTEGER field used to store terms and conditions data.
INTEGERFIELD2INTEGERAn INTEGER field used to store terms and conditions data.
INTEGERFIELD3INTEGERAn INTEGER field used to store terms and conditions data.
BIGINTFIELD1BIGINTA BIGINT field used to store terms and conditions data.
BIGINTFIELD2BIGINTA BIGINT field used to store terms and conditions data.
BIGINTFIELD3BIGINTA BIGINT field used to store terms and conditions data.
FLOATFIELD1DOUBLEA DOUBLE field used to store terms and conditions data.
FLOATFIELD2DOUBLEA DOUBLE field used to store terms and conditions data.
FLOATFIELD3DOUBLEA DOUBLE field used to store terms and conditions data.
TIMEFIELD1TIMESTAMPA TIMESTAMP field used to store terms and conditions data.
TIMEFIELD2TIMESTAMPA TIMESTAMP field used to store terms and conditions data.
DECIMALFIELD1DECIMAL (20,5)A DECIMAL field used to store terms and conditions data.
DECIMALFIELD2DECIMAL (20,5)A DECIMAL field used to store terms and conditions data.
TIMEFIELD3TIMESTAMPA TIMESTAMP field used to store terms and conditions data.
DECIMALFIELD3DECIMAL (20,5)A DECIMAL field used to store terms and conditions data.
SEQUENCEINTEGER NOT NULLThis column contains a number indicating the sequence of the term within a trading agreement. This number must be unique within a trading agreement.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000810TCSUBTYPE_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType