This summary table relates Attribute to AttrValue for Catalog Entries in each CatGroup. It contains pre-computed results based on the data existing in the underlying ATTRIBUTE and ATTRVALUE tables.

Column Descriptions:

NAMEVARCHAR (254)The name given to this attribute. This is the same as the NAME found in the ATTRIBUTE table.
LANGUAGE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe language to which this attribute pertains. This is the same as the LANGUAGE_ID found in the ATTRIBUTE table. For a list of language components, see the LANGUAGE table.
CATENTRY_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe CatalogEntry that this attribute value describes. This is the same as the CATENTRY_ID found in the ATTRVALUE table.
FLOATVALUEDOUBLEThe FLOAT value that this attribute value describes. This is the same as the FLOATVALUE found in the ATTRVALUE table.
INTEGERVALUEINTEGERThe INTEGER value that this attribute value describes. This is the same as the INTEGERVALUE found in the ATTRVALUE table.
STRINGVALUECHAR (254)The STRING value that this attribute value describes. This is the same as the STRINGVALUE found in the ATTRVALUE table.
CATGROUP_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe CatalogGroup for this catalog entry. This is the same as the CATGROUP_ID found in the CATGPENREL table.
C5INTEGER NOT NULLReserved for HCL internal use.


NameColumn NamesType