This table contains promotions.

Column Descriptions:

PX_PROMOTION_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe promotion ID. This is a primary key.
PRIORITYINTEGER NOT NULLThe priority of the promotion.
STATUSINTEGER NOT NULLThe current status of a promotion. Possible values include: 0: inactive 1: active 2: marked for deletion 3: suspended 4: obsolete 5: activating 6: archived
EXCLSVEINTEGER NOT NULLThe exclusivity of a promotion. Possible values include: 0: This promotion may be combined with any other promotions 1: This promotion can not be combined with any other promotions in the same promotion group 2: This promotion can not be combined with any other promotions 3: This promotion can not be combined with any promotion in the product level promotion group 4: This promotion can be stacked on top of other promotions in the same promotion group
TYPEINTEGER NOT NULLContains the type of the promotion. Possible values include: 0: This promotion is applicable to people who belong to one or more of the targeted customer profiles. When the targeted profile file list is empty, it applies to everyone 1: This promotion is applicable only to those to whom it has been explicitly granted, that is, this promotion is a coupon promotion
PERORDLMTINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1The number of times this promotion can be applied to a single order. A value of -1, which is the default, imposes no limit.
PERSHOPPERLMTINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1The number of times a customer can redeem this promotion. A value of -1, which is the default, imposes no limit.
TOTALLMTINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1The overall limit on the number of times this promotion can be redeemed. A value of -1, which is the default, imposes no limit.
RSV_INTINTEGERReserved for HCL internal use.
PX_GROUP_IDINTEGER NOT NULLForeign key to the PX_GROUP table. This identifies the promotion group to which this promotion belongs.
CAMPAIGN_IDINTEGERForeign key to CAMPAIGN table. This identifies the campaign with which this promotion is associated. This field is intended for customization and not used by default.
STOREENT_IDINTEGER NOT NULLForeign key to the STOREENT table. This identifies the store to which this promotion belongs.
VERSIONINTEGER NOT NULLThe version number of this promotion.
REVISIONINTEGER NOT NULLThe revision number of this promotion.
EFFECTIVEINTEGERIf this promotion is a private promotion, this column defines how many days after the coupon is issued the coupon becomes active.
TRANSFERINTEGER DEFAULT 0If this promotion is a private promotion, the value in this column determines whether the coupons generated for this promotion are transferable or not. A value of 0, which is the default, does not allow the coupon to be transferred among customers.
CDREQUIREDINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0A flag that determines whether a promotion code is required to redeem this promotion. A value of 0, which is the default, means that a code is not required.
EXPIREINTEGERIf this promotion is a private promotion, this column defines how many days, after the coupon becomes active, it expires.
LASTUPDATEBYBIGINTThe ID of the user that last modified the promotion.
LASTUPDATETIMESTAMPThe timestamp of the most recent update to this promotion.
STARTDATETIMESTAMP NOT NULLThe overall starting date for this promotion.
ENDDATETIMESTAMP NOT NULLThe overall end date for this promotion.
RSV_TIMETIMESTAMPReserved for HCL internal use.
RSV_REALDECIMAL (20,5)Reserved for HCL internal use.
TGTSALESDECIMAL (20,5)The target sales figure for this promotion.
NAMEVARCHAR (128) NOT NULLThe name of the promotion.
CODEVARCHAR (128)The promotion code for this promotion.
RSV_VCHVARCHAR (254)Reserved for HCL internal use.
XMLPARAMCLOB (3000000)The XML definition of this promotion.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000398PX_GROUP_IDNon-Unique Index
I0000399CAMPAIGN_IDNon-Unique Index
I0000400STOREENT_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType