This table stores password policies.

Column Descriptions:

PLCYPASSWD_IDBIGINT NOT NULLID for the Password Policy table.
MINPASSWDLENGTHINTEGER DEFAULT 8The minimum password length.
MINALPHABETICINTEGER DEFAULT 1The minimum number of alphabetic characters that should be in a password.
MINNUMERICINTEGER DEFAULT 1The minimum number of numeric characters that should be in a password.
MAXINSTANCESINTEGER DEFAULT 3The maximum number of times a character can occur in a password.
MAXCONSECUTIVETYPEINTEGER DEFAULT 4The maximum number of consecutive character type allowed in a password.
MAXLIFETIMEINTEGER DEFAULT 90The maximum number of days for which a password is valid, from the last time it is updated.
MATCHUSERIDINTEGER DEFAULT 0Specifies whether the password is allowed to match the logon ID. Accepted values are:
  • 0 The password is not allowed to match the logon ID.
  • 1 The password is allowed to match the logon ID.
REUSEPASSWORDINTEGER DEFAULT 0Specifies whether or not the previous user password(s) can be reused. Accepted values are:
  • Negative numbers indicate that the last n passwords cannot be reused. For example, -4 indicates that the previous four passwords cannot be reused.
    Note: -1 and 0 both mean that the previous password cannot be reused.
  • 0 The previous password cannot be reused.
  • 1 The previous password can be reused.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType