RFQ Response Summary

This page summarizes the information for any response selected on the RFQ response page. Depending on the scope of the RFQ, the summary may contain all or parts of the sections described here. This page is read-only; however, you can link to other pages from this page.

Show Category Only
Click this button to view the RFQ product category information. In the HCL Commerce catalog hierarchy, the category level is a higher level than the product or dynamic kit levels. The category summary includes information about products within a category.
Click this button to initiate the RFQ response process for the RFQ, starting with the General page of the RFQ response creation wizard.
Click this button to print a copy of this summary.
RFQ General Information
The name assigned to the RFQ.
Customer logon ID
The unique logon ID for the customer or buyer that initiated this RFQ request. Click the logon ID to view a summary and contact information about this customer.
Short description
A brief description of the RFQ. This displays to the sellers that your RFQ targets.
Long description
A longer description of the RFQ. This is stored as an HTML file.
The current status of the RFQ. The supported statuses are active, closed, next round, and complete.
Does this RFQ result in a contract or an order?
Indicates whether this RFQ is part of the terms and conditions within a contract or an order.
RFQ Duration Information
Start date
The date that the RFQ becomes active.
End date
The date that the RFQ is no longer active.
RFQ Attachments
Lists any attachments the buyer provided, with the file name, description, and file size.
RFQ Terms and Conditions
Lists any terms and conditions the buyer provided, whether the buyer considers them mandatory or negotiable, and if the buyer will consider changing the terms and conditions.
Adjustments on Categories
Lists any price adjustments on categories, with the category name, description, price adjustment in percentage, and whether catalog updates are synchronized. Click the category name to view details about the category.
RFQ Product Category
If the buyer has categorized the product during the request, the category is listed here. Click the category to see the details of the product category.
Product Percentage Pricing Information
Lists information for any price adjustments by percentage on products, with the product name, part number, description, category, type, price adjustment, and product substitution options. Click the product name for RFQ product specifications. Click the category for product category details.
Product Fixed Pricing Information
Lists information for any price adjustments by fixed price on products, with the product name, part number, description, category, price, currency, units, and product substitution options. Click the product name for RFQ product specifications. Click the category for product category details.
Dynamic Kit Percentage Pricing Information
Lists information for any price adjustments by percentage on dynamic kits, with the dynamic kit name, part number, description, category, price adjustment, and dynamic kit substitution options. Click the dynamic kit name to view the RFQ dynamic kit configuration report. Click the category for product category details.
Dynamic Kit Fixed Pricing Information
Lists information for any price adjustments by fixed price on dynamic kits, with the dynamic kit name, part number, description, category, price, and dynamic kit substitution options. Click the dynamic kit name to view the RFQ dynamic kit configuration report. Click the category for product category details.