Expected Inventory Details

The Expected Inventory Details list displays the details of a selected expected inventory record. You can receive expected inventory and view prior receipts of an expected inventory record.

Note: Due to space constraints, the expected receipt date and comments are not displayed on this list. To view the information about the Change Expected Inventory Details dialog, follow the steps in Changing expected inventory records.
SKU identifier for the expected product.
Fulfillment center
Name of the fulfillment center expecting the product.
Short Description
Short description of the expected product.
Unit of Measure
Unit of measure of the expected product
Quantity Ordered
Total quantity ordered of the expected product.
Quantity Received
Quantity of the expected product already received.
Quantity Remaining
Quantity of the expected product yet to be received.
Click this button to receive expected inventory.
Prior Receipts
Click this button to view details of the receipts against the expected inventory record.