Order - Adjustments

Use this page to make changes to an order. If you need to adjust the order for a discount, shipping charge, or coupon, include the adjustment on this page.

Show adjustments for the following
Select the order you want to view and adjust.
Estimated shipped date
The date that the store predicts the order will be ready for delivery to the specified shipping address, including the year, month, and day. This field is read-only.
Product Name
A short description of the product.
The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product that uniquely identifies the product.
The quantity of a particular product within the order.
B2B direct Contract Name
B2B directThe name of the contract associated with the order. A contract stipulates the terms for the customer to shop at the store.
The list price of the product ordered in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the price is displayed using the store's default currency.
Any price discount associated with the product. You cannot alter the discount for a product since the type or value of the discount is determined when the discount was created.
The total cost, before tax and shipping, and any price adjustments or coupons for a particular product within the order in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the total is displayed using the store's default currency. The Order Total field below displays the total cost of the entire order.
The total cost before tax, shipping, and any price adjustments or coupons for the entire order in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the total is displayed using the store's default currency. The Order Total field below displays the total cost of the entire order. This field is read-only.
Order level discount
The price amount of any discount to be subtracted from the order. Note that the amount is a discount made before tax and shipping charges have been calculated. This field is read-only.
Minus order level adjustment
Type the price amount of any additional price adjustment to be subtracted from the order. For example, to waive the shipping charges for an order, you can type the shipping charge equivalent in this field. Note that the amount is an adjustment made before tax and shipping charges have been calculated.
Type the total shipping charge on the order.
The total tax charge on the order. This field is read-only.
Order total
The total cost of the order in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the total is displayed using the store's default currency.
Type the ID that uniquely identifies the coupon. The value of the coupon will be subtracted from the order. Note that the amount is a discount made before any other discounts, taxes, or shopping charges are applied.
Click this button to undo any adjustments that you have made on this page and to reset all changed values to their original amounts.
Click this button to recalculate the order amounts to reflect any changes you have made.