Customer Information - Address

Use this page to maintain customer addresses for a B2C store. Customers provide this information during registration.

B2B direct For information about managing user information for a B2B store, refer to the Creating a user and Changing a user.

Select the country or region of the customer's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 characters.
Street address
Type the customer's contact address in one or more of the address fields. Only the first field is mandatory. Each field accepts up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Type the city of the customer's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 characters.
Select or type the state or province of the customer's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 characters.
ZIP/Postal code
Type the ZIP or postal code of the customer's contact address. This field accepts up to 40 alphanumeric characters.