Find approval submissions

Submitters use this form to specify approval submission search criteria.

Request Number
To retrieve a specific submission request, type the ID.
Select the process for which you want to retrieve submission requests. The default value All retrieves submissions for all processes. Choices in the menu depend on the processes the submitter is working with.
To retrieve all submission requests being reviewed by a particular approver, select an approver . Choices in the menu depend on which approvers are authorized to review processes. The default is All.
To retrieve all submission requests having a specified status, select an approval status. The options are All, Pending, Approved and Rejected. The default is All.
To retrieve all requests submitted either on a specific date, or within a specific period, select criteria here. The menu options are:
Do not search on the submission date.
Search requests submitted before the specified date.
On or Before
Search requests submitted on or before the specified date.
On requests
Search requests submitted on the specified date.
On or After
Search requests submitted on or after the specified date.
Search requests submitted after the specified date.

The date format is: yyyy/mm/dd.

Initiates the search process. The results will display on the Search Results - Approval Submissions page.