
Provides classes and interfaces to define the schedule of a promotion's availability.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    Promotions are active during certain periods of time and the definition of these time periods is called promotion schedule.
    This interface is used to define the next stage that the current schedule moves to.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    This class is used for representing the Date Range of a promotion where any promotion can be active during a certain period of time defined by a start and end date.
    This class represents the promotion schedule.
    This class is used for representing the time range of a promotion where any promotion can be active during a certain period of time defined by a start and end time.
    This class extends the TimeRangeSchedule class and defines a time range within a day that the promotion is active.
    This class is used to define the days of the week that the promotion is in active state.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces to define the schedule of a promotion's availability.