This file contains all type definitions that make up a Promotion. The version of WebSphere Commerce when the noun was last changed. The value is set as the versionID attribute in the corresponding BODs. Element definition of the description. The language specific description type for promotion component. Short description. Long description. User data. Type definition of a promotion noun. Promotion identifier. The registered promotion rule type which indicates the actual implementation of the runtime promotion object as well as general rule conditions, for example "OrderLevelPercentDiscount". Promotion status. Priority of the promotion. Flag indicates the promotion exclusiveness. Administrative name of the promotion which is displayed in the user interface. Optional comments of the promotion. Promotion schedule information. Promotion redemption limit inoformation. The language specific descriptions of the promotion. Whether a coupon is required for redeem this promotion. Informaiton of coupon attributes. Indicate whether a promotion code is required to redeem this promotion. Optional promotion codes associated with this promotion if the promotion code is required. Optional target sales amount for reporting purpose. Promotion elements information associate with the FlowXML that are managed by a LOB tool and used for generating the actual promotion rule XML. Optional control parameter that is used by promotion authoring user interface. Optional promotion code specification element to include details on promotion codes. User data area. Element definition of the Promotion. Type to indicate the status of promotion code population into database. Status of promotion code population into database. Type to indicate how the promotion codes have been created. Indicates different ways that the promotion codes can be created. Default value for promotion status. Default value for promotion exclusive type. Default value for day of week. Type definition of a promotion status. Type definition of a promotion exclusive. Type definition of a promotion element. Name of the promotion element. The name should be unique within the same promotion. The registered element type to be used in promotion rule xml. Optional sub-type of an element type, it is used by user interface to manage the view of the element. The name of the parent element. The sequence number of this elelemt under the same parent element. Element variables that are associated with the element. User data area. Type definition of a promotion element variable. Name of the promotion element variable. value of the promotion element variable. Element definition of the promotion element. Type definition of the promotion schedule. The overall start date of the promotion. The overall end date of the promotion. Daily start time of the promotion. Daily end time of the promotion. If the daily end time is before the daily start time, it will be conidered as the promotion will run over the night. Indicate the weekdays that the promotion will run. Element definition of the promotion schedule. Type definition of the coupon attribute. Flag indicates whether a coupon can be transered to another shopper if this promotion requires a coupon to redeem. Number of days it will take for the coupon to be effective after the issuing if this promotion requires a coupon to redeem. Number of days it will take for the coupon to be expired after it becomes effective if this promotion requires a coupon to redeem. Element definition of the coupon attribute. The element that contains promotion code specification details. Type definition of a promotion redemption limit. Number of promotion patterns can be redeemed in a single order. Value -1 indicates no redemption limit. Number of promotion patterns can be redeemed by a single shopper. Value -1 indicates no redemption limit. Number of promotion patterns can be redeemed for the store. Value -1 indicates no redemption limit. Element definition of the promotion redemption limit. Element definition of the promotion element variable. This is used to specify promotion code details including the input codes, patterns for system-generated codes, generation status etc. This element contains details on system-generated promotion codes including pattern and count. Indicates the status of promotion code population into database. Indicates how the promotion codes are created, for example manually entered or system-generated. Manually input promotion codes. A unique ID of the File Upload Job. This is used to specify details on system-generated promotion codes. A pattern specification for promotion code generation. The number of promotion codes to be generated.