The datatype representing a configurable property of the widget. The widget properties are parameters required for the widget to render on the store page. This type represents widget properties. A property can have a single value, a list or a map as values. The unique ID associated with the widget property. The name of the property. This corresponding to the name of a parameter. The identifier of the store that this widget property is specific to. The value assigned to the property. Name-Value pair elements for customization. Multi-valued properties may be specified. In such a case, the property name is same, but the values are different. This attribute specifies the sequence of these name-value pairs. The type representing an extended data of the widget. The widget extended data are additional data required for implementing the widget. This type represents widget extended data. The unique id of extended data The unique identifier of extended data The identifier of the store that this extended data belongs to. The type of the extended data. Examples are: IBM_DisplayTitle The attributes of the extended data. Name-Value pair elements for customization. The sequence of extended data The type definition for a list of attributes with same language. An attribute of the extended data. The data type represents an abstract slot. The internal slot ID given to a slot. The positional properties required for the CMC to visually represent the slot. The type of slot. Supported values are: Editable and ReadOnly The datatype represents a widget assigned on the page layout. The identifier for a widget assigned on the page layout. The store widget used along with the properties configured for it. The slot in which the widget is placed. The list of widget properties. The extended data of the widget. The child widgets for the parent widget. This is used only at runtime when rendering the page layout. Name-Value pair elements for customization. The sequence in which this widget is stacked in the list of widgets under the slot. The data type represents a slot on the page layout. The identifier for the slot in the page layout.