This file defines types related to a person. A person is a human that can be a guest, a registered user or an administrator. Challenge question to confirm a person's identity. Answer to the challenge question. The user data area. The element definition of a security hint. The type definition of an authentication entry. The person's logon ID. The person's logon password. Challenge question for confirmation of the person's identity. The user data area. The element definition of challenge information. A method to identify the employee, such as by employee number. The employee type, such as regular, part time, special part time, supplemental or contractor. The department number for the person. The name of the manager or supervisor of the person. The name of the secretary or administrative assistant of the person. Additional attributes of the business profile: organizationId: Associated organization ID used by procurements. organizationUnitId: Associated organization unit ID. requisitionerId: A unique ID for identifying the procurement requisitioner. alternateId: A special ID assigned by the organization to which this person belongs. User data. Element definition of the business profile type. The default values of the preferred means of communication. Telephone1: The primary telephone number. Telephone2: The secondary Telephone number. Email1: The primary email address. Email2: The secondary email address. Fax1: The primary fax number. Fax2: The secondary fax number. Allows extension to the default preferred means of communication. The type definition of a person's preference to receive email from a store. True if the person would like to receive email from the specified store; false otherwise. The store context for this preference. StoreID 0 implies all stores. The type definition of a person's preference to receive SMS promotions from a store. True if the person would like to receive SMS promotions from the specified store; false otherwise. The store context for this preference. StoreID 0 implies all stores. Specifies the gender of the person. The type definition of an integer monetary amount. The amount of income. The currency of the income. Default marital status values. Allows extension to the default marital status values. The person's demographic information and preferences. Preferred currency in 3-character alphabetic code as per ISO 4217. Preferred language. Display name of the entry. This is a name used in displaying an entry in a one line summary list. Description of the person. The location of a photograph of the person. Preferred method of communication, for example: Telephone1: The primary telephone number. Telephone2: The secondary Telephone number. Email1: The primary email address. Email2: The secondary email address. Fax1: The primary fax number. Fax2: The secondary fax number. Preferred delivery method. Receive SMS Notification method. Preference to receive email from different stores. Preference to receive SMS promotions from different stores. The gender of the person. Valid values are as follows: Male Female The annual income for the person. Marital status, for example: Single Married Widowed Divorced Separated Common Law Other The number of children that the person has. If not provided, the default is 0. Number of people in the household. The company for which the person works. The main interests and hobbies of the person. The date of birth of the person. The date and time of registration. The date and time of the last update. Additional attributes of the personal profile: userProfileField1: Customizable field. userProfileField2: Customizable field. preferredMeasure: Preferred unit of measure, for example, Metric or Imperial. age: Age of the person. taxPayerId: Identification for tax purposes. timeZone: The time zone in which the person resides (up to five characters). demographicField1: Customizable string (1 character). demographicField2: Customizable string (1 character). demographicField3: Customizable string (1 character). demographicField4: Customizable string (1 character). demographicField5: Customizable string (254 characters). demographicField6: Customizable field (integer). demographicField7: Customizable string (64 characters). Available for customization. The element definition of the personal profile type. Specifies the registration status of the person: Guest - A person that has not registered. RegisteredPerson - A registered person. This is read only. The status of the person's account: Enabled - The user is allowed to login. Disabled - The user is not allowed to login. The type of profile a person has: Consumer: A consumer profile. Business: A business profile. The version of WebSphere Commerce when the noun was last changed. The value is set as the versionID attribute in the corresponding BODs. Represents a human. It can be a guest, a registered user or an administrator. The person identifier. The identifier of the parent organization. The credential information. The personal profile. The business profile. The primary contact information. A list of the contact information. Store specific attributes of the person. Additional attributes of the person: userField1: Customizable field. userField2: Customizable field. userField3: Customizable field. User data. Specifies whether or not the person password has expired. Allows the person to have the logon ID disabled without removing the person from the system. The element definition of PersonType. The element definition of CheckoutProfile. Payment information of the CheckoutProfile. Shipping information of the CheckoutProfile. Time the CheckoutProfile was last updated. The user data area. The element definition of the CheckoutProfile's payment information. The element definition of a protocol data entry. The element definition of the CheckoutProfile's shipping information.