This Marketing XML schema file defines the MarketingEmailTemplate noun. The version of WebSphere Commerce when the noun was last changed. The value is set as the versionID attribute in the corresponding BODs. A marketing e-mail template defines the subject and content of the e-mail. The templates are capable of providing robust, dynamic, and personalized e-mail messages. The unique identifier of the marketing e-mail template. The absolute URL used to find e-mail message content. The description of the marketing e-mail template. The status of the marketing e-mail template. The type of the e-mail message body. The subject and content of the e-mail. User Data. A marketing e-mail template defines the subject and content of the e-mail. The templates are capable of providing robust, dynamic, and personalized e-mail messages. The current state of the marketing e-mail template. Possible values include: Deleted, Active Allows extension to the default marketing e-mail template status types. The type of the e-mail body. Possible values include: HTML, Plain text. Allows extension to the default marketing e-mail template body types. The subject and content of the e-mail. The date on which the last modification was performed to the marketing e-mail template. Indicates whether the open rate is recorded when the e-mail content is used. Specify 1 to record the e-mail open rate, and specify 0 to not record the e-mail open rate. The subject of the e-mail message. The body of the e-mail message. User Data.